Become a patient!

I'm Dr. Amber Belt, a naturopathic doctor with 20+ years of experience in medicine. I'm passionate about helping you take an independent-minded, self-sufficient attitude toward your health. I'm here to help teach you what you want to know wherever you are in your self-sufficient health journey.

I have many different offerings for you from free webinars to simple DIY classes to customized care.

Explore Health Resources

Want to learn more?

Three resources for you:

Check out my podcast: Rural Roots, Homestead Health

Discover my Substack page

Learn more about Carroll Method Food Intolerances

Sage Sirona

My husband and I are also owners of Sage Sirona. We carry natural First Aid Kits, Iodine Nasal Spray, Boo Boo Spray, and other natural products!

Let's get started

Explore self-sufficient health!

Choose your doctor wisely!

Learn to ask your doctor the right questions to make sure they are the right fit for you and become an active and empowered patient. Get my handout, Navigating the Medical Matrix: Choosing a Provider delivered to your inbox!


Get the handout!

Avoid common DIY health mistakes!

Watch my webinar, Pitfall Patrol: Navigating DYI Health Hazards to discover common at-home health mistakes.


Watch the webinar

Better testing, better information.

We know that a basic cholesterol testing doesn't give us a lot of useful information, but it's held up as a gold standard in conventional care. My handout, Beyond Sickcare: Proactive Cholesterol Testing, will help you learn about lab tests that go beyond basic cholesterol testing.


Get the handout

Ready for change?

Become a patient!

I'd love to help you on your journey to optimal, self-sufficient health. With 20+ years of experience, I'd love to help you with my common-sense, naturopathic approach.


Become a patient!

Self-sufficient health in your inbox!

Get inside info into about natural medicine, medical autonomy, & self-sufficient health from me. No spam, just great information and advance notice of events, sales, and classes!


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Feel free to reach out any time